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Recreational Uniforms

U6-U10 Reversible Game Jersey's

  • Each U6-U10 fall recreational player is provided a reversible game jersey by the association at NO CHARGE
  • At the time of registration, players will indicate their size. 
  • Coaches will receive game jerseys from their club representative at the time of equipment pickup.
  • Coaches will hand the jersey's out to players at a practice prior to games starting based on size requested during online registration.
  • Players will wear Green for (HOME GAMES) and White for (AWAY GAMES).
  • Players get to keep the reversible jersey's, they do not need to be returned.


U11-U19 Uniform Kit

Every U11-U19 player must order and pay for  a standardized uniform kit through the Snoqualmie Valley Soccer Online Apparel Store.  There is no exception to this policy.  NOTE: If a returning player has a jersey that fits from last season, they ARE NOT REQUIRED to order a new jersey. 

The standardized uniform kit allows the U11-U19 recreational players and teams to be consistent and provides an identity and promotes Snoqualmie Valley Soccer youth recreational teams.


The uniform kit consists of a Lime Green(HOME) and Black(AWAY) jersey.  This allows the teams that play other SnVYSA teams and teams that may have similarly colored jerseys to maintain the standard branding that SnVYSA has built.


SnVYSA is excited to be able to offer a complete youth soccer uniform kit which includes the following:

  • Lime Green Jersey (HOME) includes the SnVYSA chest logo & player number printed in black on the back.
  • Black Jersey(AWAY)  includes the SnVYSA chest logo & player number printed in white on the back.
  • Black Shorts
  • Black Socks
  • Lime Socks

NOTE: There is no option of altering the uniform or doing something different by team. 

Please see the sizing chart at the bottom of this page  for sizing.


  • It is recommended that the team manager(or another team volunteer) make an order on behalf of the team for all players needing a uniform or individual pieces of the uniform.
  • Individual pieces can be ordered online.  Make sure to have a list of players and their jersey number to avoid duplicates.
  • Goalie shirt/gloves are not provided.  A t-shirt or pinny works well. Pinny's may be ordered in the online store for the team.
  • No names on jerseys are allowed.
  • Sponsors are allowed.  However, the sponsor and logo must be approved by the SnVYSA Board of Directors. Please follow instructions below for adding a sponsor.


The standard uniform kit pricing will depend upon the players size. If you purchase a jersey and shorts all within the same sizing group, expect the following pricing.

  • YOUTH KIT SIZES: $41.05 (prices are before sales tax)
  • ADULT KIT SIZES: $43.05 (prices are before sales tax)

Players will be able to order a kit with a combination of Youth and Adult sizes (ie: YL short and AS jersey).  In this case, the total kit cost may be higher than what is listed above. You will also be able to order individual items if you need a single item replaced..

  • Home(Lime) Jersey: YOUTH: $14.50 - ADULT: $15.50
  • Away(Black) Jersey: YOUTH: $14.50 - ADULT: $15.50
  • Black Shorts: $7.35 each
  • Socks:Lime/Black: $2.35 pair


Sponsors may be added to the U11-U19 uniform kits but require approval and are an additional cost.  If you would like to add a sponsor to your uniform, please email with the text or logo information for approval.

Please select from  "TEXT" or "LOGO" for your sponsor.

Additional Sponsor Cost:

  1. One color sleeve "TEXT"$1.50 per shirt add $1.00 for each additional color.
  2. One color full front chest "TEXT" $2.25 add $1.00 for each additional color.
  3. One color sleeve "LOGO" $2.00 per shirt add $1.00 for each additional color.
  4. One color full front chest "LOGO" $2.75 add $1.00 for each additional color. Logos can also be placed on the back of the jersey above or below the number.  

NOTE: Sponsors will need to be added via "special order" and will not be able to be placed online.


SnVYSA has selected Protime Sports as the vendor to supply  the uniform kits. Teams will be accountable to collect player ordering needs and place their order and payment using the Snoqualmie Valley Soccer Online Apparel Store provided by Protime Sports.


The original order for stock items will be delivered complete within three weeks of receipt of order. If you need product earlier, every reasonable provision will be made by Pro Time to make sure you have uniforms for game day.  However,  all teams should plan ahead keeping the three week delivery in mind.

Teams are encouraged to ship entire order to a single location to minimize shipping costs.  If Protime ships to individual player addresses, shipping fees will be applied to each individual shipment.

Please reference shipping fee chart below.


Please ensure that you reference the size chart below prior to ordering the jersey.  These are customized jersey's with the SnVYSA logo and player number on them so they cannot be returned.  

Shorts and socks are not customized so may be returned. Socks must be in original packaging or may not be returned. 


Uniform Q& A (U11-U19)


Question 1: Why are there two (2) uniform colors?

Answer 1: The reason for the two (2) uniform colors is so teams have a HOME color and an AWAY color.  If there is a conflict between the color the HOME team is wearing and the AWAY team is wearing, usually the referee will ask the HOME team to change colors so there is no conflict and he can call the game fairly.  It is very difficult for a referee to call a game fairly if the uniform colors are similar in color so that is the reason for having two colors.

Question 2: Do teams have to purchase both colors?

Answer 2: SnVYSA has never made it mandatory that teams have to purchase both jersey colors since we understand this is an expense for parents.   However,  if the team makes the decision that they are not going to purchase both colors,  then the coach will need to have a pinnie in a different color for each player to put on in the event there is a conflict in color with the opposing team.   

Question 3: What is the HOME color and what is the AWAY color?

Answer 3:  GREEN is for HOME games and BLACK is for AWAY games.  However, if the team purchases both colors and the opposing  team is wearing a similar color then the team can use either color for HOME or AWAY games so that they are not similar to the opposing team in color. The referee will inform the coach if the team needs to change uniform colors so he can make sure the game is called fairly.

Question 4:  Do you have to purchase the black shorts and black socks?

Answer 4:   If every player already has a pair of black shorts and black socks, they don't have to purchase the shorts and socks in the kit  but they will need the green socks if you are purchasing the GREEN uniform.


Shipping Fee Chart: