Registration & Fees

What does my fee cover?
The recreational registration fee covers coach education, player development, field development, insurance, field fees, equipment, referees, port-a-potties, administration fees, state fees, player jersey (U6-U10).

When does registration start and end? 
Registration for the fall season starts on March 1st and ends on May 31st.   

What if I register after the 5/31 deadline?

If you register and pay-in-full after the deadline (June 1st) you will be charged a $50 late fee in addition to the registration fee for your child's playing division when you register.  

Additionally your child will be put on a wait list and added to a team on an as-available basis. No new teams will be formed for late registrations.  If your child is NOT placed on a team, you will receive a full refund.

Is there financial assistance available?
Yes, families may qualify based on the financial aid process. Please review the
 Financial Aid application process.

Does SnVYSA offer a same family, multiple player discount option?
No, SnVYSA does not currently support this discount option.

Do you offer a payment plan?

Yes, during the registration process, you can elect to split your payment into  2 equal payments.  There is an initial payment of one-half the fee with the remaining balance billed the 1st of the following month.  

If my child decides not to play after I have already registered them, can I get a refund?

It depends on when you request the refund.  Please see the recreational Refund Policy.