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Welcome to coaching with SnVYSA! Outlined below is a list of resources that will educate and assist you in getting started to coach.

Equipment Pick Up

  • The club representative for your city will reach out to every coach with equipment pick up times.  Each team will receive a ball bag, balls, and cones.  Please let your club representative know if you need additional equipment during the season.
  • U6-U8 will also receive 1 Pugg Goal for practice and games and will be provided with reversible game jersey's provided by the association for each player who requested one at time of registration.
  • Every player must wear shin guards under socks to every practice and game. 
  • No belts, buckles, zippers, snaps or jewelry allowed.
  • Molded soccer cleats required (no metal cleats or baseball cleats).

Team Roster

  • Snoqualmie Valley Soccer uses Sports Engine for team rosters, communications, schedules and RSVP's.  Please make sure you have downloaded the SE App.
  • All coaches will be able to view their team roster in the Sports Engine App(SE App) once teams are finalized and published.
  • Only paid registered players will be on your roster and only rostered players can play in games. 
  • Players  that have not registered  and paid with SnVYSA will not be rostered to a team and are not covered by insurance. 
  •  If you have room on your roster and someone is interested in joining your team, please contact

Team Communication

  • Snoqualmie Valley Soccer uses Sports Engine App for all team communications.  Please make sure you have downloaded the SE App.
  • Once you have received your roster and it is viewable in the SE App, you will be able to communicate with parents of players on your team.
  • Send a team communication out to everyone on your team roster and schedule a team meeting with the players and parents prior to practices beginning in August.
  • It is important to connect with and establish player, parent and coach expectations before practices begin.  This will always benefit you and your team.
  • Team photos are not organized by SnVYSA.  If teams would like team photos, this will have to be organized by the team.

Recruiting Volunteers

Coaches should recruit volunteers from your team to help out.  Recreational soccer is a volunteer organization and the success  relies on volunteering efforts:

  • Assistant coach to help with practices and games.
  • Team manager to help with team management and uniform ordering for U11-U19.
  • Volunteer "home referee" for all U6-U8 games and back up for U9-U19 Home games.  The Home team is responsible for the referee.  It is to the coaches advantage to have a volunteer “referee”. lined up.  Referee's must be at least 3 years older than players, 11 is minimum age recommended.
  • Do not add any staff members to your roster.  If you have someone who is interested in volunteering to help, please have them register to volunteer and complete the compliance requirements prior to interacting with the team.  
  • The registrar needs to ensure that all coaches and volunteers are registered and have completed the required compliance requirements prior to rostering any staff members to a team.
  • Volunteers are not allowed to interact with players or be on the pitch until the required compliance requirements have been met.
  • All volunteers (18 and older) are required to be registered with Snoqualmie Valley Soccer Association and complete Safesport training , Intro To Safety, and RMA-backround check.  

Coaches should be responsible for coaching and developing players, everything else needs volunteer assistance.


U6-U8: reversible jersey provided by SnVYSA. Jersey's will be handed out to coaches with equipment pick up.
  • Each U6-U10 fall recreational player is provided a reversible game jersey by the association at no charge. 
  • At the time of registration, players will indicate whether they need a jersey and the size. 
  • Coaches will receive game jerseys from their club representative at the time of equipment pickup.
  • Coaches will hand the jersey's out to players at a practice prior to games starting based on size requested during online registration.
  • Players will wear Green for (HOME GAMES) and White for (AWAY GAMES).
  • Players get to keep the reversible jersey's, they do not need to be returned.

U11-U19: A uniform kit is required to be ordered and paid for all players.  CLICK HERE for U11-U19 uniform ordering information and instructions.

Player Medical Information

  • Every player registered with SnVYSA has completed an online medical form which can be printed by the parent/guardian.  
  • It is important for all coaches to be aware of any known medical conditions of a player. This is covered in the "Intro To Safety" compliance requirements for coaches.
  • Please instruct the parent/guardian to print the medical form from Sports Engine and have the player turn it in to you at the first practice so you have these with you at all practices and games.
  • Parents/guardians can print the medical form for their player by logging into their Sports Engine account and going to Registrations -Click on "Fall Recreational Registration" and then click  on "Download Medical Release" (at top of screen)

Practice & Game Schedules

When do  practices and games begin?

Practices kick off in August.  Games will kick off in early September typically after Labor day.  

What are players required to wear and bring to practices and games?

  • Soccer cleats are required, no baseball cleats are allowed.
  • Shin guards: All kids MUST have shin guards to play and long socks to cover them to participate in any practice or game.
  • U6-U10 Players: Each player will be provided with a reversible jersey by the association at no charge.  At the time of registration, players will indicate  the size they need.  Coaches will hand the jersey's out to players at a practice prior to games starting based on size requested during online registration.  Players get to keep the jerseys.
  • U11-U19 Players: Each player will need to purchase a uniform kit.  Coaches will coordinate uniform ordering at one of the first practices of the season.
  • Water bottle

What day and times are practices and games?

  • U6/U7 Teams: Practices and games are scheduled twice a week (on Tues/Thurs).  Games are played against teams within SnVYSA.
  • U8 Teams:  Practices and games are scheduled twice a week (on Mon/Wed ).  Games are played against teams within SnVYSA.
  • U9-U10 Teams: Practices are typically twice a week.  Coaches set the day and time for practices in this age division.  Games will begin the first Saturday following Labor day.  Game times will vary but typically have a start time between 9am and 1:30pm with an occasional 3pm game if needed. Games are played against teams within SnVYSA.
  • U11-U12 Teams: Practices are typically twice a week.  Coaches set the day and time for practices in this age division.  Games will begin the first Saturday following Labor day.  Games are played against teams within SnVYSA and our partnering association Eastside Youth Soccer Association(EYSA).  Game times will vary as the game schedule is set by EYSA for away games and SnVYSA for home games.
  • U13-U19 Teams: Practices are typically twice a week.  Coaches set the day and time for practices in this age division.  Games generally begin the first Saturday/Sunday following Labor day depending on gender/age group(see chart below).  U13-U19 play other teams in League WA.  Game times will vary as the game schedule is set by League WA.

Where do the teams practice and play games?
Teams generally practice at a soccer field located in the city they registered in or one in close vicinity.

The specific field location for a game will depend on the division the player is in and whether they are playing a HOME or AWAY game.   SnVYSA HOME field locations by club can be found on our website at Fields.

U6-U10 division games: these teams do not travel outside of the clubs within SnVYSA.  SnVYSA tries to keep travel time to minimum for the teams in the younger age divisions.

U11-U12 division games: some travel is involved for AWAY games to neighboring Eastside cities; Bellevue, Issaquah, Sammamish, and farthest Mercer Island.

U13-U19 division games: some travel involved for AWAY games to cities of soccer leagues that are a part of League WA (greater eastside, Seattle & greater Snohomish (includes Everett).

How many games does the season include?

Every age division plays a 10 game season. The U9 and U10 teams will play 8 games during the regular season with 2 final games in the SnVYSA U9/U10 end of season tournament which is typically the first or second weekend in November.  

U11 - U19 Teams:  Teams may participate in the WSYSA Rec Cup which begins in mid October. 

More information on the WSYSA Rec Cup and the SnVYSA U9/U10 tournament  can be found on our website at Recreational/Tournaments

U13-U19 game schedule by age division

Description Girls U13-U15 Girls U16-U19 Boys U13 Boys U14-U19
Games Start Saturday after Labor day Sunday after Labor day Saturday after Labor day Sunday after Labor day
Game Days Saturdays Sundays Saturdays Sundays
  • Please adhere to the published practice schedule or make arrangements to switch with another coach.  If fields are available,  there is more flexibility. 
  • Game schedules will be released no later than end of August.
  • Micro U6-U8: Please encourage families to focus on fun and learning the game.  This is not the age to be keeping  track of the score, or a win/loss record. 

Referees For Games

  • U6-U8 home and away games: The game schedules are created by SnVYSA and uploaded to Sports Engine.  A volunteer referee must be recruited to referee all Home games. Referee's must be at least 3 years older than players, 11 is minimum age recommended.

To view referee assignments for U9-U19 games, coaches must access the tools where the game schedules are uploaded.

  • U9/U10 home and away games: The game schedules are created by SnVYSA and uploaded to Arbiter for referee assignment. NOTE: coaches must be set up by SnVYSA Registrar prior to accessing Arbiter.
  • U11/U12 home games: The game schedules are created by EYSA and uploaded by SnVYSA to Arbiter for referee assignment. NOTE: coaches must be set up by SnVYSA Registrar prior to accessing Arbiter.
  • U11/U12 away games: The game schedules are created by EYSA and uploaded to Eastside Youth Soccer Association Referees (EYSA Referees) for referee assignment.
  • U13-U15 home and away games:  The game schedules are created by D2 and SnVYSA uploads to East King County Soccer Referees (EKCSRA )for referee assignment.
  • U16-U19 home and away games: The game schedules are created by WYSA/League WA. SnVYSA uploads to East King County Soccer Referees (EKCSRA )for referee assignment.

IMPORTANT:  A parent volunteer must be recruited by every coach to be used as a back up "parent referee" in the event there is no referee assigned to a home game.   The home team is responsible for the referee.  It is to the coaches advantage to have a volunteer “parent referee”. 

Respect The Referees

SnVYSA has a zero-tolerance policy related to bad behavior towards referees:

  • Be A Role Model!
  • Be polite and respectful and model appropriate behavior
  • NEVER yell at your referees
  • Do NOT allow your players to be disrespectful nor blame the referees
  • The coach is responsible for the behavior of their sidelines (parent/family/guest/players)
  • Shake the hands of your referees after the game and thank them for being there… ALWAYS

Arbiter Sports Referee Assignment

U9-U10 Home & Away Games. U11-U12 Home Games

EYSA Referee Assignment

U11 & U12 Away Games

East King County Referees

U13-U19 Home & Away Games

Helpful Resources